Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Washington is beautiful! There seems to be water everywhere. Of course while we were there we stayed on Fidalgo Island so of course there was water everywhere. We visited Deception Pass State Park which has a neat story concerning it's name. Look it up on Wikipedia or enlarge the picture and read the sign. But beside the island there are lakes and rivers throughout the state. I wasn't quick enough to get pictures of waterfalls coming off the mountains due to melting snow, darn, and we passed a lot of them. Most of the Eastern state lands are state or federal parks I definitely want to visit again. The snowmwelt created some raging streams that were in contrast to still frozen lakes. Logging is a major business and we saw many truckloads of very large Lincoln Logs. Some years ago Jim worked at one of the shipyards on Fidalgo Island which was part of the reason for our visit. Across the cove is British Columbia, the Orca Islands and several others I don't know the names of. When the season is right you can whale watch but we missed the time when they come close to shore. It was a fabulous place to visit and if it weren't so cold I think I'd love living in the quaint fishing town . Hope everyone enjoys the pictures I've posted.

Oregon was a quick drive through and my camera batteries died so I didn't get many shots. This time through. As with all states the difference between city and rural areas is drastic. See you in Washington next!

Driving through California is a contrast in terrain. Twisting roads go through mountainous areas with forrestry or totally bare. Suddenly you find yourself in a large valley of agricultural use. There can be miles of oranges, almonds, or cranberry bogs. Where the groves exist you won't see a home or outbuildings but if there are ground crops it reminded me of driving through Wisconsin complete with barns and silos. Along the ocean shore the big metropolis' exist and traffic is horrendous. There you will find refineries, shipyards, mega corporations, and houses on the hills. I've tried to post some of each. The white peak belongs to Mt Shasta. It's stark contrast to the surrounding area is breathtaking. Enjoy our roadside tour.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bob and Tina are the reason we headed north through California. Bob and my son John have been friends since middle school on through college. He is now director of the YMCA Camp of the Redwoods in Boulder Creek, CA. It was a little out of our way but well worth it. They are wonderful, warm people. Unbeknownst to us the road to the camp was narrow with lots of twists and turns. Our rig has the scratches to prove it! The camp is as beautiful as Bob said and the story of the Redwood tree is remarkable. I wish I could have recorded and posted Bob's telling of it. Everyone reading this should look on line and become as inspired as I was. We had a great time together and since we all know "the Lord works in mysterious ways." Our meeting definitely had more meaning than we knew at the time. Later posts will explain the truth in this statement. Thank you Bob and Tina.

When we come back again we'll leave our rig in town although I will miss our camping site. LOL

How would you like this view from your office? Bob isn't too pleased with the functionality of the office building, but he must admit the view is awesome.

This view is from the window of our RV. Best campsite we've ever had. We even had the sound of the creek passing by. Hated to leave!

Bob and I standing inside the trunks of Redwoods! Talk about feeling like an ant, no comparison. I felt more like a mite!

Chapel in the Woods at the Y camp.
Beauty, serenity and a definite oneness with God can be found here.

Around the YMCA campgrounds. Wish I were a kid again!