Sunday, March 01, 2009

Alphabet Game. Just in case you think I have been sitting here idle all these months I feel this entry is very important. As you know our RV sits right next to Interstate 35. I have the pleasure of watching traffic go by 24/7. So-o-o I started playing the Alphabet game. My rules are that the letters have to be on a vehicle. Over the months I have forced myself to play at the challenger level. Like all levels the letters have to be found in order, A, B, C, etc. Challenger level is played by finding full words that start with each letter. No more abbreviations like Inc., Fed EX, J B Hunt, although I can use Hunt for the letter H. Here in Texas I find that the letter J is the hardest to find along with Q, X, and Z. Fortunately there are several Xpress trucks that go by and I allow myself to use this as a word. Reading slogans helps a lot with the hard to find letters. @King of beers, makes your life better, expect more pay less. The real killer is the letter Z. As the sun starts to set I find myself praying for an Auto-Zone or a Zenith truck to go by. I become obsessed with finding a Z anywhere! I become so frustrated that I know I won't sleep until I find some Z's. In desperation I call Papa Johns. We all know they deliver after dark, and we all know what they deliver! Success, now I can sleep with a full tummy and lots of ZZZZZ's.

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